Slowbox is a brand I created based on one researchable question, “How can design help us as a culture to slow down and live more meaningful and joyful lives?”. More often than not, when you ask someone how they’re doing, you’ll hear, “Good, I’m just VERY busy!” As one of these people, I have spent time paying more attention to how much I fill my schedule, how fast people are rushing to their destinations, how we wish for Friday when the week has only just begun, and the impact(s) our rushed culture has on our lives. With this in mind, I wanted to explore how design can help us as a culture to slow down and enjoy our lives. Many people think there is one solution to this problem, when in reality we all slow down in different ways. Everyone is unique, therefore I created a box series to target the many ways in which we slow down (based on data collected from user surveys). The box series is supported by a website and social media presence, where users are directed from their box to engage with prompts and post about their own slow down experiences. My goal was to use design to begin the conversation about slow living and give people the tools, right to their doorstep, to attain it.
Moodboards (Visual and Typography)


Box Series

Unboxing Sheet

Custom Slowbox


@slowbox Instagram

Instagram GIF

Digital Poster

Process Slides